FORSYTHES' HISTORICAL PHOTOGRAPHS, EPHEMERA & PAPER AUCTION SESSION I - ALL UNCATALOGUED - SELLING IN LARGE LOTS Located at the Holiday Inn, 4501 Eastgate Blvd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45245, exit 63B off I-275 to East on 32 to Eastgate Blvd. SESSION II – OVER 450 CATALOGUED LOTS Over 150 lots of various PHOTOGRAPHS including Native-Americans, Western, occupational, automobiles, famous people, daguerreotypes, ambrotypes, tintypes, etc.; several MILITARY items ranging from Revolutionary War to World War II including Rev. War era documents, CIVIL WAR including CDV’s, covers, archives, letters, Lincoln items, documents, cased images, GAR items, etc.; Spanish-American War items; World War I including diary, photos, archives, posters, etc.; World War II including many photos, archives, medals & ribbons, Nazi, etc.; many great ARCHIVES including steamboat journal, historical letters, many early documents; POLITICAL items including scarce Teddy Roosevelt pins; AUTOGRAPHS; automobile items; railroad items; aviation; stock certificates; sports items; ATLAS & MAPS; FLAGS; Uncle Sam costume; much, much more. NOTE: If you cannot attend in person please visit for photos & descriptions of each lot. FORSYTHES’ AUCTIONS, LLC