Rare Pewter Goldsmith Chandlee, Winchester, VA Sundial |

Hudson River School Oil Paintings |

Blue Decorated Stoneware Flask |

Early Wooden Rooster Weathervane with Paint Decoration |

Early Pennsylvania Paint Decorated Blanket Chest |

Collection of John "Jack" Rider, Port Clinton, OH Wooden Duck Decoys |

Rare Clark's Bell Call String Telephone |
Sunday January 19, 2025 - 12:00 PM CINCINNATI, OHIO
Located at the Eastgate Holiday Inn 4501 Eastgate Blvd., Cincinnati, Ohio 45245.
EARLY FURNITURE: Early Kentucky cherry press; three punched tin pie safes; early Pennsylvania paint decorated blanket chest; early worktable with old paint; early bucket bench with old paint; Shaker desk; hanging cupboard; etc.
EARLY SMALLS AND COLLECTIBLES: including rare pewter Goldsmith Chandlee Winchester, VA sundial; rare 1881 Clark’s Bell Call string telephone; early 19th Century wooden rooster weathervane with old paint; several pieces of blue decorated stoneware including flask; early lanterns and lighting; early baskets; wooden bowls; early wooden buckets; folk art; Hudson River School paintings; folk art paintings; early pantry boxes; early checkerboards; T.K. Marsh, Paris, KY coin silver spoons; other coin silver and sterling; several duck decoys including the collection of John “Jack” F. Rider, Port Clinton, OH miniature duck decoys; slot machines; children’s items; toys; two Caucasian Oriental rugs; cast iron hitching post; quilts; etc.
OLD COUNTRY STORE AND ADVERTISING ITEMS: including several early wooden signs including early J.W. Lingo Hardware sign, Lebanon, OH, Pangborn’s Furniture & Embalmer sign, C-Rite Optical Co. sign, etc.; early metal watch maker’s trade sign; rare large Buffalo Ginger Ale sign; early bolt cabinets; early wooden seed cabinet; showcases; spool cabinets; early porcelain 60” Coca-Cola fountain service sign; rare 1930’s Coca-Cola neon sign; Coca-Cola porcelain button signs; 1950’s Coca-Cola signs; oil and gas items including early Good Gulf Gas globe, Pure Motor Oil sign, Quaker State sign, Sohio, H.D.Q. sign, Pennzoil, original B.P. Motor Spirit flange sign, etc.; Red Top Beer motion light; Wiedemann’s Beer motion light; tobacco and cola thermometers; advertising tins; and much more.
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: This is a brief listing of a large antiques auction of over 420 lots from estates, homes and collections.
PREVIEW: 10:00 AM -12:00 PM day of auction. For early private preview please call 513-791-2323.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Cash, check, Visa and MasterCard w/proper ID. 18% Buyers Premium in house. 24% for phone and absentee bidding. 3% convenience fee for credit cards.
You may bid live in person, by absentee, by telephone, or by internet at www.liveauctioneers.
Click on the Link Below to over 420 photos and descriptions.
FORSYTHES LARGE ANTIQUES AUCTION on Jan 19, 2025 by Forsythes' Auctions, LLC in OH
937-377-3700 OR 513-791-2323 |

Early Wooden J.W. Lingo Hardware, Lebanon, OH Sign

Rare Early Large Buffalo Ginger Ale Sign

Original 1930's 60" Fountain Service Porcelain Sign

Rare 1930's Coca-Cola in Bottles Neon Sign

Pure Motor Oil Porcelain Sign |

Early Gulf Gas Globe |

Original Cleveland Neon Clock |